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Check Your Domain DNS Records

Check [ A, AAAA, MX, NS, SOA, TXT, ] Records Here
Type Your Domain Name to See Records
Correct DNS Records Communicates Server Directly
Always Keep Checking DNS

DNS Records


Advanced domain control made easy

You can manage all the aspects of your domain including DNS, Who Is, Domain and Email Forwarding, Privacy, EPP Code and more.

  • Easy Management
  • Multi SubDomain
  • Domain Lock
  • Support Premium
Change DNS records through an Control Panel

Changing the DNS setting on your HZMFR control panel is simple. You just need to login to your control panel on your HZMFR account and access DNS Zone Editor section. In DNS Zone Editor, you will see DNS record types that you can edit, add and remove. The types of DNS records are:

Register multiple domains can be done in a matter of seconds

Subdomains act as an extension of your domain name to help organize and navigate to different sections of your website. You can also use a subdomain to send visitors to a completely different web address, like your social media page, or point to a specific IP address or directory within your account.

Take the example store.yoursite.com. In this example, store is the subdomain, yoursite is the primary domain and .com is the top level domain (TLD). Use any text as your subdomain, but make sure it's easy to type and remember.

Lock and Unlock to prevent Unauthorized Transfers

Domain locking is a security enhancement offered to prevent the Modification of the domain name including Transferring of the domain, Deletion of the domain name, Modification of the domain name contact details.

Domain’s can still be renewed even the domain is locked.

Don't worry! We have support premium 24/7/365

We are Blazing Fast, Web hosting company, we offers premium support 24/7/365. and provide various means of contact such as live chat, email, and phone support.

We assure that our staff is available to help our customers at any time of the day, every day of the year.

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